The Importance of Hiring an Asset Forfeiture Attorney

Fort Worth Asset Forfeiture Lawyer Helping You Get Your Property Back in Texas
It almost goes without saying that bad things sometimes happen to good people. Even in an instance where you have not committed a crime, you may find yourself in the position of having to defend yourself. It is your responsibility to protect yourself, your rights, and your property. In some cases, it may feel like there is nothing you can do, especially if you are dealing with the seizure of cash and feel you have been wrongly targeted.
In the event of civil asset forfeiture, you can look to the help of a qualified civil forfeiture attorney in Texas. At the offices of Spencer & Associates in Dallas, we help clients who have had their assets seized by local, state, or federal law enforcement, and we are ready to put our experience and knowledge to work for you.
Understanding Civil Asset Forfeiture in Texas
Civil asset forfeiture is something used by law enforcement to seize public or private property they feel was used while a crime was committed or that the property itself caused the possibility of illegal action or the crime. Many people believe that only criminals have cash or property taken away, but this is not the case. There are a lot of law-abiding citizens that may also have an issue with property seizure. This is why it is always best to work with the best local civil asset forfeiture lawyer to ensure you get your property or cash back.
How and Why Does Asset Seizure Occur?
It used to be that civil asset forfeiture was an effective tool used against elements like organized crime. Seizing organization assets and items from people participating in the illegal activity brought the notion it would cause them to go bankrupt or no longer function. However, this did not always happen. Over time, police and law enforcement agents came to know that civil asset forfeiture was an effective way to generate revenue. Today, many agencies use a variety of reasons to seize assets from just about anyone, including people who are innocent citizens. If you feel that this happened to you, it is best to have an attorney in your corner that will help you protect your rights.
Protecting Yourself
Just like you would want international airport attorneys on your side if you have an issue coming or going from the country, you need a trusted civil forfeiture attorney in Texas to help with local issues. The first thing you should do is talk with a reputable attorney that understands that law and is willing to help you get your cash or property back. A good lawyer can file an injunction to keep law enforcement from selling your property until you have had the chance to prove your case.
The offices of Spencer & Associates will:
- Protect your rights
- Inform you of the best way to proceed
- File paperwork on your behalf
- Assist you as you navigate the process
Call 469-283-6126 for a Consultation
Whether you have been charged or your property has been seized in connection with a crime, an experienced attorney can be an invaluable resource. Contact our office by calling 469-283-6126 for a private, confidential consultation today. The team at Spencer & Associates is proud to serve clients in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Irving, Dallas County, Tarrant County, and throughout North Texas.